Dagbjört Dúna sögufylgja á Snæfellsnesi
Dagbjört Dúna sögufylgja á Snæfellsnesi

Dagbjört Dúna Rúnarsdóttir

Day Tour Provider Saga & HeritageHiking Tours - HikingDay Tours

Dagbjört Dúna Rúnarsdóttir is a storyteller and greets guests who want to learn about the mysteries of Snæfellsness Peninsula.

Dagbjört has specialized in stories and tales related to Snæfellsnes, true history, trolls, elves, mythology and more. She takes her guests for a short walk and shares the historical heritage as well as having a conversation with her guests about life in Snæfellsnes. You can visit her in her home- Böðvarsholt, or meet her at one of the wonderful unique places in Snæfellsnes to hear the stories of that area. Dagbjört´s favorite places are Búðir, Arnarstapi, Snæfellsjökull National Park, Lýsulaugar and Bjarnafoss.

Dagbjört welcomes individuals as well as groups!

Contact her directly to book an appointment with a Storyteller in Snæfellsnes.

